Quilting Day 2011: Eco-Friendly Quilting Supplies

pillowcase quilt

Did you know there was a National Quilting Day? It’s just around the corner, on March 19th. Let’s celebrate eco-friendly quilting this year with some green quilting supplies!

Whether you’re working on a small project, like a quilted pillow, or something bigger like a full sized throw, there are lots of ways to green up the quilting process. From focusing on Fab Fabrics to choosing recycled and organic tools and supplies, there are quite a few places to green up your quilting adventures.

Next >>Eco-Friendly Fabric for Quilting

[Image Credit: Creative Commons photo by polkadotcreations]

3 thoughts on “Quilting Day 2011: Eco-Friendly Quilting Supplies”

  1. Avatar photo
    Esther Gregory

    I’m so all about eco-quilting. I do admit that it’s really tempting to go to the fabric store when you have a specific project in mind because it can be so hard to find just the right color/pattern for what you need. For my last quilt I bought a lot of fabric from Etsy sellers. While some Etsy sellers are actually fabric stores themselves, some are crafters who are either selling leftovers from projects or thinning out their personal stashes.

    I also never threw fabric scraps away. It can be a problem because I don’t always want to deal with my scraps, which leaves my workspace a mess. My general system is: I cut fabric chunks (around 1/4 yard chunks and smaller) into strips for 1/2 square triangles, long skinny pieces I spin (yes spin into something of a rope, which I’ve used for different things but right now I’m making a braided rug), small chunks I’m planning to do some freeform crazy quilting (dunno they’re so small that I might lose patience and do something else with them), and really small pieces I use for stuffing.

    Dealing with my scraps can sometimes seem like a chore. I’m considering composting fabric scraps, but I’m worried that non-organic cotton would harm my worms.

    1. Such great tips for reuse!

      I think you’re right to be careful with composting fabric scraps, because of the dyes and other chemicals that they could be treated with. The only fabric scraps I compost are my organic hemp from Noonday Textiles.

  2. I’ve been looking for an alternative to pvc for a cutting mat for many years now. Nothing beats the functionality of a self-healing pvc cutting mat, but the outgassing irritates my throat and makes me dizzy (I’ve borrowed a friend’s). It is a major health hazard and the material (production and disposal) is a major environmental hazard. Buying a mat made of post consumer recycled pvc is better than the new stuff, but I still worry about breathing the outgassed v.o.c.’s.

    I always wonder why I never read about others having issue with the outgassing when I read all of my sewing blogs…

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