15 increíbles manualidades con correo basura

15 increíbles manualidades con correo basura

Are you sick of the junk mail stuffed into your postbox? If you can’t get the flow of junk to stop, try out some of these junk mail crafts!

In the U.S. alone, we sacrifice over 100 million trees every single year for crappy junk mail. Any catalog you didn’t sign up for, credit card offer you didn’t ask to receive, every book of coupons you’ll never use qualifies as junk mail. If it’s in your mailbox and the sender isn’t someone you know or do business with, it’s junk. There are services that are supposed to stop you from getting so much junk mail, and I’ve had success in reducing the amount of garbage in my mailbox, but it feels impossible to stop junk mail completely.

Junk mail makes me mad, and I’ve decided that rather than get mad, I’ll get crafty. These junk mail crafts are just a sampling of the ways that you can reuse unwanted mail, so add that free paper to your crafty stash, and let’s divert some waste from the landfill!

15 increíbles manualidades con correo basura

1. Cuentas de papel


3. Washi Tape casero

4. Etiquetas de regalo

cuaderno de correo basura5. Bloc de notas en miniatura

6. Business Card Envelopes

7. Upcycled Stationery

8. Paper Crane Decoration

9. Pretty Garland

tarjetas de visita hechas con retales de tela y papel reciclado

10. Tarjetas de visita

11. Arte mural

12. Starburst Wreath

13. Party Hats

14. Lazos de regalo

15. Woven Coasters

Créditos de las imágenes: Junk Mail photo via Shutterstock, all other images Crafting a Green World

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