Hilo Digno del Año: Seda de plátano All Eco (AU)

For those of you out there that want to knit with silk, but the tussah is still beyond your eco-reach, for whatever reason, have I got a silk for you. It is banana silk, made from banana palm fibers. How cool is that?

Australian company, All Eco, carries this fun and luxurious yarn. It is made by soaking the leaves in water and extracting the fibres. “These are hand crushed to make them soft and pliable, ready for weaving into fabrics, or spinning into ropes,” says All Eco. “Any fibres that are unsuitable for fabrics or ropes are pulped and regenerated for hand spinning into gleaming yarns ready for use in your own one-off creation.”

The yarn comes in a range of fun and flirty colors. They are all hand dyed and there are no pattern repeats because of this. Bubble gum Bliss y Lime Zest are the two that caught my eye.

This silk has lots of luster and drape perfect for tops and wraps. It is a breathable fiber great for dreaming of warming weather that is surely to come soon. Here’s hoping anyways.

[Image from All Eco]

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