¿Spoonflower subcontrata la impresión y utiliza mano de obra infantil?

Reader QuestionSpoonflower Fabric

We are big on materials around here. Whether we’re talking about the environmental and social impacts of conventional cotton or finding ways to upcycle something where you’d normally buy new, we talk a lot about things, since we use things to make…things! And there’s nothing wrong with that.

What we don’t talk about as much is process, but how and where something is made is just as important as what it’s made out of, right? This is why I was taken aback when a reader recently asked if we could look into the rumor that Spoonflower outsources some of its printing production to South America and uses child labor. Organic cotton printed by a company that exploits children would be far from green, in my opinion!

I did some digging and couldn’t find a single article anywhere making this claim, but since it sounded like the rumor was flying, I decided to just ask the company and see what they said. The folks at Spoonflower got back to me within hours, and here’s their reply (quoted with permission):

Thank you for contacting us with your question. We currently only have a single location in Durham, North Carolina where all of our fabric is printed and shipped. There may be another digital printing company in South America somewhere, but it surely isn’t us! We love the fact that all of our fabrics are made right here in the USA.


Honestly, I would have been super bummed to learn that Spoonflower was anything but on the up and up. They are one of the few on demand fabric printers that offers organic options and uses low-impact printing processes on top of that. We’ve touted them as a good resource before, and I used them to print my line of Happy Fruit fabrics. Yay for dispelling rumors and for companies who get it right!

4 comentarios en “Does Spoonflower outsource printing and use child labor?”

  1. I was so scared reading this article. I have used them and love them. I am thrilled that they offer organic options and that their production takes place in the U.S. Phew! Thank goodness. Great article!

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